Welcome to snickey art.

Painting and Artist Samantha

Hello from snickey art, website for artist and designer Samantha Nickey.

A note from the artist:

When creating new work, I often become inspired by a fleeting image that visits me, but I never expect my final work to be exactly akin to that. I find joy in the spontaneousness of ideas and the rigor of fleshing them out. I practice across various mediums and find each feed into the other. I’m both intrigued with uncovering my potential and fiercely defensive of art as a pleasure.

Sometimes after I’ve been creating for hours, I start noticing similar colors, patterns, and shapes in the world around me. The most fascinating thing to me about being an artist is the process – finding a state of flow and subliminal marks that come out of the mind’s restful state. Art reveals to me who I am.

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